Mini Law Quiz – Dec 2015
In one of my games a player kicked the ball directly into the opponent’s goal from kick off. How did I restart the game? Answer: Kick off to the opposing team because Law 8 says; ‘A goal may be scored …
In one of my games a player kicked the ball directly into the opponent’s goal from kick off. How did I restart the game? Answer: Kick off to the opposing team because Law 8 says; ‘A goal may be scored …
A lot of hot air was generated after the Liverpool v West Bromwich Albion Premier clash recently but I spotted one little goodwill gesture. A great fuss was made about Liverpool’s manager Jurgen Klopp’s failure to shake the hand of …
A new survey has shown that two thirds of referees say they are regularly abused. Over 2000 referees took part in survey conducted by the sporting University of Loughborough. 32% of the participants were Level 7 referees who are junior …
Swansea City felt they were robbed when they lost their game against Liverpool by a penalty for handball. Gary Monk, their manager, said Swansea’s Neil Taylor had his back the ball, so how could it be deliberate as demanded by …
A refereeing colleague said to me recently, ‘what are these extra officials who stand on the goal line supposed to do? He had been watching Champions League matches and was referring to the two Additional Assistant Referees as they are …
The Chronicle’s report of the withdrawal of referees from the Thames Valley Premier League last week, has certainly received some publicity in refereeing circles around the world. It arose of course over the standard of behaviour at some clubs and …
In the absence of Ady Williams, former international footballer and captain of Reading FC, who was instead reporting for BBC Berkshire Radio on Maidenhead’s well earned FA Cup replay with Port Vale, Reading RA are thankful for Dick Sawdon Smith …
In the absence of Ady Williams, former international footballer and captain of Reading FC, who was required by BBC Berkshire Radio to commentate on Maidenhead’s well earned FA Cup replay with Port Vale, Reading RA is grateful to Dick Sawdon …
Recently I wrote how a tackle became a foul, but the question has arisen, when does a foul tackle become a cautionable offence. Quite obviously whenever the referee whistles for a foul, he doesn’t automatically reach in his pocket for …
In view of the publicity gained by the Rugby World Cup held in England this year and the views expressed by several commentators about the difference in attitude to the referee between rugby players and footballers, it was singularly appropriate …