“The Reading Referee” magazine August 2014

The latest edition of the Reading RA magazine, “The Reading Referee”, is now available here.



Thanks as ever go to our editor Dick Sawdon Smith.  By way of a taster here is Dick’s editorial from this edition:


Modern technology brings changes to The Reading Referee

The Reading Referee, which has been keeping members and others informed since 1958, will be changing format to better reach today’s readership. Instead of a bi-monthly review of what’s happened and notice of things to come, news and events will be sent out on a monthly basis direct to members e-mail accounts.  The story of the magazine over the years can be found on Page 3.as well as a review of some of the Page Two articles from its early years on page 2.

Pre-match instructions and the demise of the club assistants’ awards

Many years ago Charles Kearse, who was a Football League referee, was asked what his pre-match instructions to his linesmen were. Simple he said, ‘run the line for me as you would like me to run the line for you’.

Fuller suggested instructions for both club and neutral assistant referees can be found on page 5. Charles great idea for club assistants, which he put forward in 1933, has taken a knock this year. The reasons why on page 6.

Mini RA-FA training evening at monthly meeting

Our monthly meeting in April was something out of the ordinary. Instead of a guest speaker we had what is called a mini-RA-FA training meeting. This is all part of the link up between the RA and the FA and was one of a number that has been held throughout Berks & Bucks this season open to all referees. Holding it on one of our normal meeting nights seemed to make a lot of sense as it was written and run by four of our own FA Licensed Tutors. All is revealed on pages 4 & 5 along with a report on the visit of Roger Vaughan.

Were our Page Two contributors ahead of their time?

Judge for yourself on Page 2 of course.

What is the story of the Reading Referee?

A short history of our magazine on Page 3. 

Tackling and leadership, all at our monthly meetings

Read what not only what our speakers have said but also what our members have thought on Pages 4 and 5.

How law changes are trialed

Most ideas for changes that are suggested are trialed somewhere in the world. Three of them are explained on Page 6.

Fair Play Award and club assistant awards.

What happened this year on page 7 plus a quick look at what this years Law changes mean. 

National Conference

A review of this year’s conference is on page 8.




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